COLUMBUS, Ind. — Duke Energy Indiana Care4Enviornment project recently planted 50 new trees in Clifty Creek Park in Columbus. The variety of trees included Tulip Poplars, Yellow Buckeyes, Bald Cypress and Northern Pecans. Several diseased, Bore Ash trees were also removed as a part of the “Green” event. A group of about 50 employees were led by Duke Energy Indiana President Melody Birmingham-Byrd.
“Our employees give back year-round, but each year we have several large-scale projects like this one,” said Chip Orben, Duke Energy’s Columbus community relations manager. “We wanted to add something to Columbus that has a lasting impact.”
Columbus employees from Toyota Industrial Manufacturing joined Duke Energy’s tree-planting project.
To date, Duke Energy’s Hoosier workers have put in over 7,600 hours as volunteers within their communities. Duke Energy strongly encourages employees to get involved in community projects, and they work under the banner of “Duke Energy in Action.” These volunteer activities range from helping with repairs at animal shelters, to assisting with constructing a playground for a shelter for domestic violence victims.