Courtesy-Our Hopsice of So. Central Indiana
COLUMBUS, Ind. – Laura Leonard, President of Our Hospice of South Central Indiana and Palliative Care, will retire in December after nine years as its head.
In 2013, Leonard succeeded Our Hospice founder, Sandy Carmichael, who led the local hospice organization from its inception in 1980. As head of the organization, Leonard has been instrumental in growing the number of patients served annually, increasing staff by 15%, launching Palliative Care, and more.
Our Hospice Board of Director’s President, Tom Dowd stated, “Under Laura’s guidance, the organization has grown in so many ways. She has spearheaded the increase in the number of patients cared for, in the community outreach and impact, and has also increased philanthropic support of our local hospice.” He continued, “By far, her greatest achievement was the launching of Palliative Care, a service that is a critical need in the post-acute health continuum of care.”
The Our Hospice Board of Directors is actively looking for a successor and will conduct a thorough search to find the best candidate to lead the organization into the future.
Leonard said, “It has been a special privilege and I am honored to have been given the opportunity to be the leader of this organization. Leading Our Hospice and Palliative Care has been a true blessing and has given me much more than I have given to the organization.”